“He was called the Friend of God.”

James 2:23

The Exhaustive and Devotional Commentary on Genesis

Lesson 121

The Next Trial of Abraham

Genesis 22:1-4

Lesson 122

Now Versus Later

Genesis 22:1-8

Lesson 123

The Danger of the Already Have’s

Genesis 22:1-19

Lesson 124

Abraham Accounting

Genesis 22:1-18

Lesson 125

In His Father’s Hand

Genesis 22:1-6

Lesson 126

The Realization of Isaac

Genesis 13:8-18

Lesson 127

Abraham, Abraham

Genesis 22:9-12

Lesson 128

The Replacement for Isaac

Genesis 22:6-14

Lesson 129


Genesis 22:7-18

Lesson 130

“In the Stead” Principle

Genesis 22:10-18